Crafting Your Dream Morning Routine

For some of us, mornings are a dreaded time of day. They may be associated with the blaring of an alarm clock, groggily rolling out of bed, quickly brushing your teeth, and running out the door with a few sips of coffee or a granola bar for breakfast. During college, I remember that getting up in the morning for classes was one of the hardest parts of my days, and I had no ritual (or real desire) to make it easier; It made every day feel daunting and unexciting. Then, on the weekends when I didn’t have a schedule to follow, I’d often lie in bed for hours on my phone just letting time pass. 

This pattern became unsustainable for me, my mental health, and overall well-being, and it wasn’t until I truly started sticking to a consistent ritual that worked for ME that mornings became lovely, and I began to enjoy my days because I started on the right foot, setting myself up for success. I still wouldn’t call myself a morning person, but I will always give myself the time I need to nourish my body and mind, which then energizes me throughout the rest of the day.

Incorporating a few simple things to intentionally bring self-love and care into the first moments of the day will begin to shift your daily mindset because you’re giving yourself something to look forward to every single day from the moment your eyes open. You’ll also start stepping into each day feeling ready for anything because you’ve taken the time to fully ground yourself before life, work, and responsibilities start happening. That being said, your ritual should be designed in a way that works for you, not simply following the routines or trends we see on social media and amongst our friends. It should be filled with the things that bring you joy.

Visual Description: Woman with blonde hair in a ponytail. She is wearing a white tank top and shorts, and she is sitting on a rug intently studying a book.

Some simple ideas to start or add to your routine could be: 

Leaving your phone off for the first thirty minutes after waking up - Allow your first moments of the day to truly be focused on connecting with yourself. Not others, not social media, not emails, or anything else. Just you.

Making your bed -  There’s a famous quote by Admiral McRaven that says, “If you make your bed every morning you will have accomplished the first task of the day. It will give you a small sense of pride and will encourage you to do another task and another.” It takes only two minutes to pull the sheets up and set the pillows in a way you like, and once you’re done you’ll already feel productive and more organized for the day. Seriously, do it!

Sprinkling in a few minutes of self-care to show your body some love - Sticking to a consistent skincare routine and body shower is my go-to for morning self-care. Not only do I feel refreshed and clean when I leave the house, but it also forces me to spend a couple of minutes with just myself and the mirror, something we could all do more of. If you're prone to night showers, a dry-brush routine or taking a few minutes to moisturize with lotion or body oil is perfect to give your body the love it needs.

Listening to music or a podcast you love - This could be on your morning commute, or, for those who work remotely, played throughout your morning routine. Music is an instant mood booster and works like magic to wake us up on days when hitting snooze is way too appealing. Podcasts are also great for some morning motivation, or when you’re just in the mood to hear people chat! Check out this great playlist on Spotify for a sunny morning vibe

Getting outside within the first two hours of waking up - Even if it means just standing outside your front door for a couple of minutes, the fresh air and sunlight on your skin will make you feel really good!

Visual Description: Woman with medium-length, blonde hair standing outside on a balcony laughing happily while watching the sunrise.

There are plenty of other ideas to weave in for days when you have more time in the morning, or if you’re already an early riser. For example, hitting the gym for a workout, taking a yoga class, doing a guided meditation (maybe one from the BabesRising platform?), filling a page or two in your journal, calling or sending a voice note to a loved one, reading a couple of pages of an inspiring book, going for a walk, or anything else that helps you feel centered for the day ahead!

The most important piece of creating a morning ritual is that its contents bring you happiness, even if they’re not picture-perfect or “on trend”. Make it appealing, make it work for your schedule, and cater it to YOU!

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