Cycle Syncing Self Care 101
Did you know that your menstrual cycle is not just two phases.. i.e. either you’re “on your period” OR you’re “not on your period”… your body actually flows through four unique phases every single cycle!
These four phases are — the menstrual phase, the follicular phase, the ovulatory phase, and the luteal phase.
In each phase, your hormonal composition is quite different meaning you are going to feel differently, operate differently, and have different needs based on which phase you are in!
“Cycle syncing” means syncing up your life - from your productivity and work flow to your hobbies and self care to even the foods you eat and the exercise you do - to the unique phase of your cycle that you’re in!
There are SO MANY BENEFITS to doing this, some of them being:
Strategizing your productivity and work output around the times of the month your energy levels are naturally highest
Decreasing your PMS symptoms and creating pain-free, easier periods
Feeling more connected and appreciative of your body
Balancing out your hormones for clearer skin, better digestion, and more balanced moods
Increasing your self love and kindness towards yourself and grace for yourself
Now, you can practice cycle syncing in many areas of your life - including nutrition, exercise, work, creativity, socializing, dating, and beyond! In this blog, we’re going to be focusing on - self care. If you want to learn even more (beyond just self care), we highly recommend downloading our free guide: Honoring Your Cycle - where you can read about cycle syncing for your diet, your workouts, your work flow, and beyond!
Your cycle syncing self care “cheat sheet”:
Phase 1 - Menstruation aka: Your Period (Approx. Days 1 - 6/7)
Create a “Period Self Care Box” full of self care items to use during your bleed - ideas: dark chocolate, herbal tea, bath salts
Phase 2 - Follicular Phase (Approx. Days 7-14)
Get your nails done, get your eyebrows threaded or waxed, get your bikini waxed, get a new tattoo, get your hair done, etc!
Phase 3 - Ovulatory Phase (Approx. Days 14-21)
Take yourself out on a date and celebrate yourself!
Phase 4 - Luteal Phase (Approx. Days 22-28)
Set up a life coaching and/or therapy appointment (with a BabesRising Coach!)
Hope this helps you get started with this powerful way to connect deeper to your body, honor her needs, and truly love the heck out of her! Again, if you want to learn more about how to align your entire life to your cycle, download our Honoring Your Cycle freebie - it’s 16-pages of incredibly valuable information about adjusting your self care, nutrition, social life, productivity, and more to your cycle!
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