Radiate Body Confidence This (and every) Summer

Summer brings amazing things. Warm nights, basking in the sun, traveling, and spending time in nature are some of the things I always look forward to when this time of year rolls around, but, with the weather being warmer and, thus, wearing a little less clothing and spending a little more time around others, feelings of anxiety, body shame, and stressing over my appearance come out to play too. Each outing with my friends is usually preceded by a showdown with myself in the mirror, and my inner critic taking hits left and right, saying things like “You need to go to the gym”, “damn, you really shouldn’t have eaten such a big breakfast. You’re bloating”, “those shorts do not do your legs justice”, “your muffin top is way too obvious”, and so on and so on. And if I have to wear a swimsuit, these comments just get worse.  

I know I’m not the only woman who experiences this too. 

I’ve spent many moments getting ready with friends before an evening out or a day at the pool, and self-deprecating comments float around the room, lingering and sticking to each of us as we embark on our day, never fully allowing us to be free of the words to just enjoy ourselves. It never feels good, it feels like a cage. While these thoughts appear year-round, during the summer, I notice my inner critic putting in overtime. I can’t get by wearing baggy clothes because of the heat, so my insecurities are put on display daily, and I can’t hide from them like I might be able to in the winter. It’s easy to let these feelings run wild, but why let them?

One of our values at BabesRising is positive body image, and we’re dedicated to promoting the simple fact that you do not need to fix or change anything about your body. Practicing positive body image is about making peace with your body and accepting her, just the way she is. THAT is the ticket to true freedom. Make the choice to see your body as beautiful and believe your body is beautiful. Actively making this choice is the first step, then it’s about putting in the work to wholeheartedly believe it. All it takes is starting with small changes or adding things to your life to adjust how you talk about yourself and build body confidence. And what better time to start than when you may be feeling more pressure to conform, lose weight, or change your body’s natural design.

Believing she’s beautiful can start with…

Social Media Detox - Unfollow or mute ALL accounts that feel triggering to you in any way; you have full permission to get rid of those on your timeline, no matter who it is. 

Clothing Release - Donate/release all pieces of clothing items that currently do not fit you well, make your confidence burst, or feel unflattering or triggering in any way. Don’t hold onto clothes that you want to “fit into one day” - this is an unhealthy way of thinking. Clothes are made to fit us, we aren’t made to fit the clothes!

Buy a Few NEW Clothing Items - Add some new items into your wardrobe that you feel really good in! Pieces that work well with your body shape and boost your self esteem right now, and make you want to go out and be seen! Spread this method to items like bras, swimming suits, accessories, etc!

Pick 1-3 Affirmations to Work With - Select an affirmation (or a couple) that land for you, that you can use every single day and in the moments you need them. My favorite way to use affirmations lately is listening to them as I fall asleep and through the night, it’s amazing how much your brain soaks up while you sleep! Some examples could be: 

“I believe my body is beautiful” 

“I am choosing to see my body as beautiful” 

“My body is badass”

“I get to love my body”

“I have decided that my body is beautiful”

Move Your Body In Ways That Empower You - Schedule in exercise/movement that makes you feel good. This doesn’t mean what burns the most calories. It’s about upping endorphins, connecting to your body in healthy ways, and building strength, flexibility, or endurance that will ultimately lead to increased feelings of confidence. It doesn’t matter how you move, just that you enjoy it! So lift weights, go on long walks, go to dance classes, practice yoga or pilates, do kickboxing, or whatever feels empowering and leaves you feeling better than before. 

Surround Yourself with Body Loving Besties - Who you surround yourself with has a huge impact on your own self-esteem and body image, so make sure you’re spending the majority of your time with women who are on their own body love journeys and can build you up when you’re having a “bad body image day” or needing someone to remind you how badass and beautiful you truly are. 

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